How do you know if these emails are legit? You need to do your homework.

I get so many questions about these shady-but-maybe-actually-important emails. They throw this kind of wording at you:

[box]Failure to complete your Domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may result in cancellation of this offer making it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web.[/box]

But read it closely: if you don’t register, their offer will be cancelled. In other words, if you don’t do anything, nothing will happen. Please note, this is different from these emails:

So what is this junk? Well, it’s just that: junk, spam, advertising. Companies can easily find your domain name and your name and probably your email address and email you making it sound like your domain will expire. But it has nothing to do with that. It’s akin to those actual snail mail letters that mention the “Compliance Annual Minutes Board” and make it sound like you need to do this thing. But if you read the fine print, they’re really just offering a service and you may choose to do it–or not.

When do you know it's spam? If you can't figure it out, ask someone who speaks the language.

When do you know it’s spam? If you can’t figure it out, ask someone who speaks the language.