“Company Q” lost a major client and needed to replace it/them. The owner had a list of potential clients’ email addresses, which she had collected from classes and presentations she gave about her area of expertise. She thought a monthly e-newsletter might be helpful, since she was unable to predict exactly when potential clients might need her services, and wanted to keep her business top of mind.

We made the monthly e-newletter process easy by:

  • Creating a template in Vertical Response
  • Uploading the email list
    [well, this is kind of condensed in time…]
  • Recommending a communications strategy (give away useful information, time topics to fit clients’ seasonal needs, link to informative “white papers” on her website, include humor to lighten a technical subject).
  • Helping the client develop an editorial calendar, so she could plan a variety of topics for her monthly communications and time them appropriately.
  • Assisting with copywriting and project management for the first few newsletters, until the client got the hang of doing it herself.
  • Teaching the client to upload and send the newsletters in Vertical Response herself, so she had flexibility and low cost.
  • Uploading copies of past newsletters to the client’s website, to encourage site visitors to sign up for the free newsletter.
  • Revising the site layout, so the free newsletter signup button was more prominent.
  • Providing ongoing technical, editorial, and strategic support on an as-needed basis, so the client had complete control over costs but could still get the job done.


  • Newsletter is going out on a regular basis, providing vehicle for ongoing client communications and keeping Company Q top-of-mind
  • Email list is growing
  • Website traffic is increasing
  • Company Q is positioned as go-to expert
  • E-newsletter, website, and classes all work synergistically to showcase Company Q’s expertise
  • It’s just a matter of time until she gets a new client, right? ;-)