The WP Members plugin looks like something that would be a big help to WP sites with memberships, groups, different access levels, etc. I haven’t had a chance to work with it, but I’m making this note partly to remind myself to check it out.

Looking for the “best” member (membership) plugin. Some links:


This plugin will change your default wordpress installation to a full members only site and only the registered users can get access to the site and maybe the download area. It uses automatic PAYPAL recurring subscriptions and user account Activation and Deactivation if the user have not paid! It can be used for many web applications and it is first for the WordPress CMS/Blog System.


WordPress is becoming more than ever a tool to open blog/websites and CMSs in an easier way. Users are increasing day by day; one of the limits however is the restricted and predefined fields that are available in the registered users profile: it is difficult for example to ask for the acceptance of “Terms and Conditions of Use” or “Permission to use personal data”.


This plugin was developed to fill a certain need when it comes to site member databases. There are already plugins that extend the existing WordPress users table to add user customizable fields like address info, etc. There are plugins to expand on the restriction of posts to members only. Those are great plugins and if they fit the needs I had, I would not go out an reinvent the wheel.Unfortunately, none of these fit the bill for a client application that had come up, so I had to develop one from scratch. What was left over from that is being released as a plugin. What I had developed for the production site required quite a bit of customization and to release this as a useable plugin for the average joe requires making some changes, so I took the basic framework of the commercial project and built out from there. As I progress from the skeleton framework on, I think this will turn out to be a very nice and useable plugin for people that run member-based sites and newsletters.

Pages for members only

Show/hide links to registration page (if users are allowed to register), login page or a custom link in the pages listing when the user is not logged in.

Found some good help here ( and we may be on our way. If we could just call the functions/fields from userextra/usermeta, we’d be in business. If not, maybe we could add a few fields to the current WP user fields and at least call those. Keep an eye on that thread.

Here’s link to source code:

Here’s a nice job:

I could use that here:

Wow, I think I got it. From this page ( and then this forum topic ( which gave this code:

address) : ?>

Contact Info:

Address: address; ?>

We can use any fields from the Extended Profile! Testing here for the moment:

Was trying to figure out how I could then make the “page” members only. Hmm. Could password protect it, but better to just have e.g. Contributors or Subscribers able to see it. Used the Subscribers-Only plugin.

I can’t get it to sort by last name because there’s not a “users” table field of last name (they use “user_nicename” to sort). Hmm.

Did get the Editors AND Subscribers to show by going into PHP MyAdmin and making Pat’s code for user level (or something or other) just like a new Editor’s. Seems it gets a little screwy if you change users’ levels back and forth.

Aha, it has come up before. Here are my latest notes in a bit more detail.

I was debating making a help video for this, but I’ll just explain and if it comes up often, I’ll make a video.

Something goes screwy in SQL that you need to get into PHP MyAdmin to fix. If you look at the wp_usermeta table for that person and the wp_capabilities field is NOT this:


Then you need to edit that field and change it to that. I think it has something to do with moving users around to different levels and things get stuck.