Business Capital has a nice horizontal menu with drop-downs. Most of them are just (parent) pages with children and then grandchildren. Fine, good, works fine. But either it was a glitch or just too late at night, but when on a sibling page, the drop-downs for that parent no longer dropped down. Hmm. Tried some template tag tricks to no avail. Did a bit of a plugin search and came across Navigo.

That worked, the drop-downs worked, but the only thing that didn’t work was the parent showing up. A bit of lucky tweaking and I manually put in the parent name and a manual absolute URL and it worked! Here’s my Navigo code as embedded in the header:

  • < ?php if(function_exists('navigo')) navigo('child_of=5&sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>About Us
  • [/php]

    The original Navigo code just didn’t have that parent link:

  • < ?php if(function_exists('navigo')) navigo('child_of=5&sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>
  • [/code]

    I added the bullet tags so it worked with the rest of the nav bar.