Can you tell I’ve been having fun with the semi-transparent backgrounds? I’m just loving the effect. A huge photo in the background and just enough transparency to be able to see what it is back there but still keep text and content readable on the main site.

I’m sticking with core here: core WordPress and core WOO Canvas. Trying to stay away from adding any random plugin that’s shiny and new and keep it strong, working, and beautiful for the client–for the long term. I’ll get emails about this plugin or that theme that broke or the developer abandoned it and it no longer works and we’re either talking about a plugin or theme overhaul or just choosing a new plugin or theme. Hmm, how can we prevent that? How about themes and plugins that have a better chance of being supported? Did you check out the change log? How often are they updating, fixing, or, gasp, improving? Without asking? Without being asked? That’s being on top of it.

Hopefully this company will reap the benefits of a strong theme for years to come and be able to build on its strengths as they come about.

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