
Pages vs. Categories

When to use a page and when to use a category? Depends on what you're showing and how you want to show it.

Categories and Tags

Categories and tags can both be used to help your visitor find content on your site. But they're different ... and the same.

Category Order

To change the order of your categories in your navigation (sidebar, top nav, etc.), you can either get into the code, or use this handy plugin (My Category Order). You'll need to edit the code that lists the categories to this: [code]wp_list_cats('sort_column=my_order&hide_empty=0′);[/code] While you're at it, you may as well get your pages in order, [...]

WordPress Overview

I created a WordPress Overview video that walks through some of the features of WordPress (version 2.0.4). WordPress Overview Help Video The video covers: adding a category, adding a post, pasting content (as Plain Text and from Word using (modified) Advanced WYSIWYG Editor plugin), inserting (and editing) an image (using Image Manager plugin), adding (and [...]

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