WOO Shortcode Dividers

You may have noticed in WordPress that it can be a challenge to have a hard return (or worse yet: a double hard return or extra paragraph break) when using the WYSIWYG editor. WordPress is trying to be “helpful” and remove accidental double hard returns for you. However, sometimes you want that extra space and it can be a little tricky to get it in there.
You could add some simple code for a hard return that WP would recognize … if you know that code. But WOO Themes offers up a variety of “dividers” that you can use to separate text and paragraphs and other content (e.g. columns).

WOO shortcodes offer three choices, I’ll put them below.

Horizontal Rule

A horizontal rule you can see, it’s a line. The others aren’t visible. Veggies sunt bona vobis, proinde vos postulo esse magis salsify chard lotus root azuki bean mustard corn turnip greens water chestnut caulie daikon catsear soko dandelion potato.


Veggies sunt bona vobis, proinde vos postulo esse magis salsify chard lotus root azuki bean mustard corn turnip greens water chestnut caulie daikon catsear soko dandelion potato.


A “divider” adds a good chunk of space between content blocks, you could use it when you’d like two paragraph returns. It’s right below this text, you can’t see it, but you’ll see the empty space.


Veggies sunt bona vobis, proinde vos postulo esse magis salsify chard lotus root azuki bean mustard corn turnip greens water chestnut caulie daikon catsear soko dandelion potato.

Flat Divider

A flat divider doesn’t add the two paragraphs, but a single break. Great for using when you don’t want too much space, but really just a paragraph or column break.


Veggies sunt bona vobis, proinde vos postulo esse magis salsify chard lotus root azuki bean mustard corn turnip greens water chestnut caulie daikon catsear soko dandelion potato.

3 Columns without a Divider

See how the text below that third column wraps back up. I don’t want that to happen in this case. More about WOO Columns.

3 Columns Without Divider

3 Columns with a Divider

If I add the divider code, it adds a hard (paragraph) return so that the third column doesn’t sneak up and wrap.

3 Columns plus a Divider