Frustrated that you can’t edit your widget like you can your post or page? Me too.

Creating or building a widget is as easy as creating a post.

Creating or building a widget is as easy as creating a post.

WordPress widgets are powerful elements that can add tons of functionality to your site. If you use widgets that are part of a plugin or theme, they’re probably pre-packaged and work out of the box and do what they’re supposed to do. However, if you just want some minor editing in a text widget, this is the perfect plugin for that.

[box type=”tick”]Sure, your designer can make a pretty widget with HTML, but what about when you want to edit it later? This plugin solves that. [/box]

Widget Blocks

There’s a new custom post type called Widget Blocks. Don’t be scared: they’re just widgets. However, they’re more like posts and pages than those boring old text widgets. You can do pretty much anything in here that you would with a post. Especially if you’re using WOO Canvas, that means info boxes, buttons, and Google Fonts. You create your widgets just as you would posts, publish them,

Just place your new fancy widget alongside other widgets.

Just place your new fancy widget alongside other widgets.

Widget Placement

When you’re ready, go over to Appearance –> Widgets and add them where you want them in the sidebar (or footer or header or wherever you have your widgets). The beauty of the widgets as custom post types is that you can then re-edit them so much more easily.

Note that this doesn’t replace all widgets. It’s just when you’d like a bit more formatting and layout control in what was usually just a regular text widget. Yes, of course, you could also build and format a post and then just save the code and paste it into a text widget, but then when you want to make a change, you have to either have saved that post or just copy out that code again and then … copy it back.