
Website development industry news, Likoma news, news you can maybe use.

Web 2.0 for the Novel

Is this the future of publishing? From Scott James, "So I ended up reimagining the entire novel, similar to how a film might be re-released in a 'director's cut' edition." How Scott created The Sower 2.0.

The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published

David Henry Sterry, of The Book Doctors, is currently touring the country promoting their latest book, "The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published." Here's the first in a series of observations they made after researching many authors and their websites.

WordPress Pack at ThemeForest

I just heard of a big sale over at Envato the company behind one of my favorite theme sites ThemeForest: WordPress Pack. A bundle of WordPress themes, plugins, and help guides.

Lee Foster Travel Journalism Wins SATW Awards

Lee Foster won four awards in the Society of American Travel Writers recent writing competition for its Western Chapter. The awards were announced at the Boise, Idaho chapter meeting in July 2010. Two of the awards were for his website.

Highly Recommended Web Design and Advertising Specialists!

I had the good fortune to win a bid at the Rooftop School auction for an item to design a website—offered by the team of Bradley Charbonneau of Likoma and Gil Zeimer of Zeimer's Advertising Shoppe to assist with both the website design and marketing ideas.

Social Media Strategy for Writers

Here's an excellent To Do List for writers to help promote your books, your writing, and your platform, put together by social media guru Chris Brogan.


I've been using (and loving) iStockPhoto for ages. It's a great place to give your site that extra kick -- if you choose the right images.

All switched, no problems, thanks.

Quoting Rip Gerber ( after we switched his email from a Microsoft Exchange email system to Google Apps: All switched, no problems, thanks.

StudioPress WordPress Themes

Brian Gardner over at (what's now called) StudioPress has a beautiful collection of professional WordPress themes for sale. He updates them regularly and has a broad collection with a variety of applications (real estate, photo galleries, etc.).

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