
Help with the CMS (Content Management System) software I prefer. Tips, tricks, trials, and tribulations–and hopefully we’ll be the better for it !

Summary Tables

Did you know WordPress's own Site Stats (through Jetpack) has years of stats right there in the dashboard? Either did I.

List Pages Shortcode

Whaddyaknow, there's a plugin called "List Pages Shortcode." Who knew? Obviously not me. Works like a charm.

GD Press Tools

GD Press Tools Pro is a powerful plugin that can protect, back up, and optimize your site--all from within one plugin.

Limit Login Attempts

The limit login attempts plugin blocks IP addresses after they've tried to get into your WordPress install. You can change the settings to keep them out for a long time.

This webpage has a redirect loop

The Redirection plugin seems to cause a redirect loop. Not even the "redirects" in the plugin but the Modified Posts. Hmm, odd. Here's a fix.

Checkboxes in Gravity Forms

The über-powerful Gravity Forms can do easy checkboxes. With checkboxes, you can select more than one. Here's an overview of Gravity Forms checkboxes.

Featured Image

WordPress's Featured Image function can be a powerful styling tool for your site that allows you to upload a single image, just one time, and have it used on your site in several places.

Pingbacks and Trackbacks

Pingbacks and trackbacks. What are these things? Are these comments? Are they spam? Do I want them? Do I care?

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