
Canvas 5.7.0

Lots of tweaks and fixes and more move in the direction of plugins and add-ons.

BOOM California

We built the BOOM site a few years ago with another theme that is now ... broken. Something about a PHP upgrade and something wasn't working. Sure, we could dig and see if we could fix it (we did dig, but couldn't find a long-term solution), but why bother when we could convert the old [...]

GSC Cosmeceutical

Beautiful photography artfully arranged with smart headlines. Done. It's not just the nice photos, it's how they're arranged, selected, sorted, laid out. Who chooses which images go where and with which headlines? Working together with pro designer Paschal Sabatella, we put together a professional site with a character of color through the imagery.

Canvas 5.6.3

I suppose that's the nature of software updates: break something and then fix it.

Context Relevant

Ooh, what's that shiny new thing? Step away from the window, son. This was a great case study of being wowed by shiny and glittery themes, but then coming back full circle to what we know works. We started off toying with Salient, an awesome looking theme that wowed our socks off. We dug deep [...]

Canvas 5.6.0

Need I say more? Isn't that what you look for in a software company? Or any company for that matter?

San Francisco Sentinel

The San Francisco Sentinel needed a bit of liveliness. We got them that. The site was one of those old text-based, 3-column functional sites that held loads of content and was very readable, but didn't really have any character. Now it has character galore. Together with the ever-popular Lauren Deane Evans of Good Looking Ideas, we [...]

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