[Photo credit: Per Jansson.]

I was interviewed by the Intuit Small Business Blog, “We’re talking about small business success.” It’s interesting to see how a big company like Intuit is using a blog to add content to their site. I found this on their about page, “Authors include professional journalists, people who work at Intuit, our customers and research partners, and guest experts we invite to share their perspectives.” So basically they’re using guest posting to get content. Pretty cool–and pretty hip for such a big company. Are you using the power of guest posts on your site? I am: (Laurie King, David Henry Sterry, etc.) .

I poked around the site and they have some good small business articles. How To Protect Your Brand, How to Set Prices for Your Services, Five Reference Check Questions to Ask, and Tony Hawk on Branding, Social Media, and Succeeding in Small Business.

Here’s an excerpt.

I’ve done the big corporate thing. I’ve done the creative and travel writer thing. I even published a travel book (Urban Travel Guide San Francisco). Now I’m happily in the middle, a place where I can combine techie, writerly, and marketing.

I have a background in marketing, web design, writing, branding, and languages. I speak plain English, Dutch (that’s where my wife is from), French, and German, and have a real addiction to analogies to explain complex technical issues. I subscribe to the Euro-lifestyle of working to live — and not living to work.

Here’s a link to the full interview at Intuit’s Small Business Blog.